BSFC #31: Dawn’s Wicked Stepsister

February 1990 packed a lot of change into a short month: Nelson Mandela was released from prison, the Brady Bunch was given a gritty reboot (with a theme song that must be heard to be believed), and two mismatched single parents hastily crammed their households together with minimal planning & conversation. What could go wrong?

Brooke and Kaykay discuss the Gaslight (Dawn), Gatekeep (Mary Anne), Girlboss (Kristy) vibes of Dawn's Wicked Stepsister, the importance of behavior modeling in leadership, and the bravery of healthy conflict in relationships.

And seriously: Check out Florence Henderson's theme to The Bradys. We cannot stress this enough.


BSFC #32: Kristy and the Secret of Susan


BSFC #30: Mary Anne and the Great Romance